sexta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2010
Julio Bueno: Ficha Suja e fraude no Inmetro
Julio Bueno: Ficha Suja e fraude no Inmetro:
"Candidato a Presidencia do Fluminense, Julio Bueno é considerado ficha Suja pelo TCU:
Confiram o site do TSE e do TCU: Júlio Bueno é Ficha Suja
Com o advento da lei da ficha limpa, criada em 2010, tornaram-se impedidos de disputar eleições, todos os brasileiros, ex-gestores de órgãos públicos, que já tiveram suas contas julgadas irregulares por órgãos de fiscalização como o TCU (Tribunal de Contas da União).
Com o objetivo de prover total transparência ao processo eleitoral de 2010, o TSE (Tribunal Superior Eleitoral) reinvindicou ao TCU a lista dos ex-gestores responsáveis por contas irregulares, que tiveram seus processos transitados em julgado no período de 03/10/2002 a 03/10/2010.
O arquivo está no formato PDF. Clique aqui: para acessar o site do TSE e fazer o download.
A lista contém o nome completo do cidadão impedido de se candidatar, seu CPF, número do processo TCU, data do trânsito em julgado, detalhes da deliberação e um vínculo para consultar os detalhes do processo que condenou as suas contas, enquanto atuava como gestor público em algum órgão como prefeitura, câmara, secretaria, autarquia, ministério, estatal, etc.
Clique aqui: e vá até a página 173. Lá você verá o nome: JÚLIO CÉSAR CARMO BUENO. Clique em detalhes do processo e você verá o voto do ministro-relator.
Os integrantes deste arquivo não puderam ser candidatos a nenhum cargo nas eleições de 2010, em nenhum estado da federação. Ou seja, tais brasileiros estão impedidos de se candidatar a vereador, prefeito, deputado estadual, deputado federal, governador, senador e presidente. A Ficha Limpa tem que ser para qualquer cidadão.
sábado, 13 de novembro de 2010
Shayene Cesario Brazilian Carnival Celebrity Video
Brazilian Carnival Celebrity Shayene Cesario: "Shayene Cesario, Brazilian Carnival Celebrity in an exclusive interview for Brazil Carnival Ooah site."
At the right, great photo of Luis Santana from Olhar Folião:
We still have another 3 months to Carnival in Rio, but Rio Carnival Queen, Shayene Cesario, is now Queen of the Drums Section, for Estacio de Sá Samba-School from Rio. The muse we have described in the past now represents this traditional samba-school that is one of the most traditional in Brazil.
At the right, great photo of Luis Santana from Olhar Folião:
At this video in You-Tube, Shayene talks about her samba & carnival career. Congratulations Shayene Cesario!
terça-feira, 9 de novembro de 2010
domingo, 19 de setembro de 2010
Maquina do Flu: Eleicoes para Presidente
Maquina do Flu nas Eleições para Presidente: "Evento no Clube levanta questões sobre parcialidade nas eleições de Novembro".
Será que até no Fluminense teremos que conviver com essa prática?
Será que até no Fluminense teremos que conviver com essa prática?
Não é de hoje que no Fluminense, e mesmo em nosso país, o público se confunde com o privado. Nesse sábado, dia 18/09, foi realizada uma festividade no Fluminense Football Club para comemoração dos 40 anos do nosso primeiro Campeonato Brasileiro, conquistado no ano em que o futebol brasileiro foi coroado e confirmado como o maior do planeta. O aniversário da conquista é só em dezembro, mas resolveram antecipar. Por que será? A chapa da situação, com nítido objetivo eleitoral, reservou a quadra central para “um evento particular”. E o espaço não costuma ser alugado para festividades em nosso clube. Como o evento foi marcado por Júlio Bueno, o candidato de Roberto Horcades e José de Souza, a administração reservou o local.
O renovado site oficial do clube noticiou o encontro como se pode ver aqui. Vale destacar que os próprios administradores do site oficial, que nos procuraram após um post nosso com críticas ao novo veículo ir para o ar, garantiram que ele não seria usado com fins políticos, diferente do que houve de modo escandaloso nas últimas eleições – em 2007, Roberto Horcades, tentando a reeleição, teve seguidos eventos de campanha divulgados no site oficial. Pois bem, a partir da festa desse sábado, ficou no mínimo estranha a postura do site: afinal, o evento foi oficial ou particular? Se era institucional, como parece, pela leitura da notícia, a candidatura Júlio Bueno mentiu. Se foi particular, a máquina escancarou todo o seu favorecimento a uma das chapas.
Desde a última segunda-feira, membros da Flusócio foram comunicados que seria um evento de campanha do candidato da situação. O recado foi claro: pessoas ligadas ao Peter Siemsen não seriam bem-vindas! Um membro da nossa chapa procurou a Ouvidoria do Fluminense Football Club. Vejam as informações que ela passou: “O evento está sendo organizado pelo associado Júlio Bueno. Serão distribuídas camisas convite para se ter acesso. Como a maioria dos espaços do clube, a quadra central é de uso comum dos associados. Não temos como prática alugar a quadra central. No presente caso, o que está sendo cobrado é uma caução se for preciso manutenção no espaço após a sua utilização. A autorização foi dada com a anuência da presidência”.
terça-feira, 3 de agosto de 2010
Samba Sao Clemente 2011: Video Sao Clemente 2011
Melhor Samba Sao Clemente 2011: Samba e Video Sao Clemente 2: "Samba e Video Sao Clemente 2011: Melhor Samba da S�o Clemente em minha opini�o para 2011!"
Samba empolgante e com excelente harmonia da Sao Clemente p 2011!
Samba empolgante e com excelente harmonia da Sao Clemente p 2011!
domingo, 11 de julho de 2010
quarta-feira, 23 de junho de 2010
Brazil Culture: Rio Brazil Carnival Chronology
History of Brazil Carnival: Rio Brazil Carnival Chronology: "Brazilian Carnival History dates back to 1601, with its first registered event. This article, provides amazing rare photos of the 1900th century, texts, and compromises 1850 - 1932 of the History of Carnival."
The beginning og the 1900 century brazilian Cafnival was all made in RIo de Janeiro. The main activitries and events were the following:
Carnival Strings - "Cordoes"
Car type "processions" - Corsos
First Carnival Costumes Balls & Contests!
Carnival Societies ( somehow a preview of the samba-schools )
Appearance of the first Carnival Floats !
Confetti Battles
And First recordings of Samba!
As you can see, a lot of Carnaval action was already going on!
The beginning og the 1900 century brazilian Cafnival was all made in RIo de Janeiro. The main activitries and events were the following:
Carnival Strings - "Cordoes"
Car type "processions" - Corsos
First Carnival Costumes Balls & Contests!
Carnival Societies ( somehow a preview of the samba-schools )
Appearance of the first Carnival Floats !
Confetti Battles
And First recordings of Samba!
As you can see, a lot of Carnaval action was already going on!
sexta-feira, 4 de junho de 2010
Fluminense Video: Maracana Stadium in Limelights
Fluminense Fires Maracana Stadium: Limelights and Ecstasy:
"Fluminense Football Club, one of the Top Soccer teams and most beautiful fans in Brazil fires Maracana Stadium in Rio with pure ecstasy with Fireworks! Passion and glory for the best soccer team in Brazil"
Fluminense Football Club is a sports club based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Founded in the beginning of the 20th century as a single-sport institution,[1] Fluminense is today an umbrella organization for several teams in more than 16 different sport activities The most popular endeavour of Fluminense, however, continues to be football.[7] This article concerns itself with Fluminense solely as a professional football club.
Fluminense has today the most beautiful crowd of fans in Brazil.
"Fluminense Football Club, one of the Top Soccer teams and most beautiful fans in Brazil fires Maracana Stadium in Rio with pure ecstasy with Fireworks! Passion and glory for the best soccer team in Brazil"
Fluminense Football Club is a sports club based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Founded in the beginning of the 20th century as a single-sport institution,[1] Fluminense is today an umbrella organization for several teams in more than 16 different sport activities The most popular endeavour of Fluminense, however, continues to be football.[7] This article concerns itself with Fluminense solely as a professional football club.
Fluminense has today the most beautiful crowd of fans in Brazil.
domingo, 30 de maio de 2010
Top Carnaval Rio de Janeiro Videos: Dreams of Beauty
Potpourri Carnaval Rio de Janeiro Videos Magic and Color: "30 Carnival Videos: The festivity in Rio is naturally a show of images and colors. Vibrant costumes, impressive floats, carnival queens, and samba drumming are available on this directory."
Selection of Videos include:
Drums Sections
Carnival Queens
Carmen Miranda
Street Carnival
Samba Costumes
Samba Interviews
+ much more!
Selection of Videos include:
Drums Sections
Carnival Queens
Carmen Miranda
Street Carnival
Samba Costumes
Samba Interviews
+ much more!
segunda-feira, 10 de maio de 2010
Carnival QueenTatiana Pagung Ultra Carnival Queen Exclusive Profile
Tatiana Pagung Ultra Carnival Queen Exclusive Profile: "Latest photos, news, and videos of Carnival Queen Tatiana Pagung from Brazil. The 29 years brunette has mixture of Indian, African and Portuguese blood that enchants samba lovers!"
Tatiana could be defined as one of the best examples of the true “roots” Drum Queens at the Brazilian Carnival. Unlike some other Queens, Thatiana has a deep connection with the samba world and as a child, loved to watch the samba parades at TV. She was always fascinated by the magical aspect of the carnival parades, where she debuted in 1999, at the Rio Sambadrome with Vila Isabel, Caprichosos, Viradouro, and Tradição Samba School!!
Tatiana Pagung was predestined to work at the Brazilian Carnaval BR as we will see in this exclusive profile.
Tatiana could be defined as one of the best examples of the true “roots” Drum Queens at the Brazilian Carnival. Unlike some other Queens, Thatiana has a deep connection with the samba world and as a child, loved to watch the samba parades at TV. She was always fascinated by the magical aspect of the carnival parades, where she debuted in 1999, at the Rio Sambadrome with Vila Isabel, Caprichosos, Viradouro, and Tradição Samba School!!
Tatiana Pagung was predestined to work at the Brazilian Carnaval BR as we will see in this exclusive profile.
domingo, 9 de maio de 2010
Air Race Red Bull Brazil 2010: Thousands by Sugar Loaf and Beach
Rio Red Bull Air Race 2010: Thousands by Beach: "Rio de Janeiro Red Bull Air Race Article, with photos, official video and text of this great event in Brazil."
terça-feira, 4 de maio de 2010
Brazil Real Estate: Olympic Effects
Booming Rio Brazil: Olympics, World Cup, and Oil Findings: "If you are one of those who doubted Rio´s capacity, now it´s time to review your thoughts. Due to a series of enormous events like the Summer Olympics, 5th World Military Games, and FIFA World Cup, Rio de Janeiro is attracting investors from all over the world. The Economist published a thorough article about this phenomenon."
quarta-feira, 28 de abril de 2010
Academicos do Grande Rio SAmba-school
Academicos do Grande Rio SAmba-school: "Academicos do Grande is one of the 12 samba-schools who take part of the T}op Group; in Rio de Janeiro. They have an exclusive profile too at Brazil Carnival BR. Check their website in English."
segunda-feira, 26 de abril de 2010
Ortodontia em Ipanema: RJ Dentistas by Dental Doctor
Ortodontia em Ipanema: RJ Dentistas by Dental Doctor: "Dental Doctor Clinic in Ipanema Rio de Janeiro. RJ Dentistas, Quality Dentistry Services Recommendations"
terça-feira, 13 de abril de 2010
Fabia Borges Carnival Queen Exclusive Brazil
Fabia Borges Carnival Queen Exclusive Brazil: "Fabia Borges Carnival Queen from Brazil ignites passion and curiosity from samba lovers all over the world!"
quinta-feira, 8 de abril de 2010
Rio de Janeiro: Samba Schools - TripAdvisor
Rio de Janeiro: Samba Schools - TripAdvisor: "Trip Advisor Page on Samba-Schools events throughout the year, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil."
terça-feira, 6 de abril de 2010
See Brazil Carnival queens: Goddesses of beauty
See Brazil Carnival queens: Goddesses of beauty: "Carnival queens in Brazil represent a traditional aspect of the magnificent folklore. In their duty to represent samba-schools, they have to act, samba dance and sing. Learn more about these goddesses of samba in Brazil."
quinta-feira, 18 de março de 2010
Review of Grande Rio 2010 Parade
The school was one of the highlights of this year’s carnival parade with the plot theme in honor of the past 25 carnivals at Rio´s Sambadrome. The parade was very creative and was not afraid to honor other samba-school ´s successes and the tragic moments, such as a fire on a float in 1992. The parade lasted for 1 hour and 21 minutes and would later prove why it deserved the second place at the final contest standings. actress Paola de Oliveira, Queen of Grande Rio was also one of the great successes of the parade.
Grande Rio Samba School parade explored many distinguishing facades of the world wide famous carnival parade in Brazil: legendary characters, the public, the VIP boxes, historic samba composers and the talented carnival producers. The floats were very interesting, and one of them represented a dump with rats and sewers, a tribute to Beija-Flor Sambas School legendary parade of 1989 by Joãozinho Trinta Carnival Producer. The drum section’s costume was another tribute to famous and anonymous garbage me, who clean the avenue year after year, at each parade end. Another aspect which called the attention of the public to the school was their impressive team of celebrities. Grande Rio is known to be the samba-school of the famous and glamorous.
The opening wing showed two of the greatest symbols of Brazilian Carnaval, the "mulatas" and the "malandros". Dancers dressed as "malandros" made a floor choreography while a team of "mulatas" came on top of a tripod. But a detail is important: only one of the "mulatas" was real, the other ones were statues. The "trick" was revealed when the real life woman came down the tripod to dance with the malandros.
The greatest tribute made by Grande Rio Samba School was to the carnival producer Joãozinho Trinta. The reverences to the artist began at the "Baiana wing”, dressed as "Ladies of the garbage". They made reference to the use the carnival producer devoted to recycled materials. They were followed by a wing which represented the hobos who the carnival producer brought to the Beija-Flor parade of 1989.
The third float placed the carnival producer on the top of a pile full of litter and garbage. At the bottom, sculptures of giant rats moved and merry makers dressed as rats crawled out of sewer tunnels, which were lightened up by red lights. On top of this pile of “dump” who Joãozinho Trinta transformed into art in many of his parades, a vulture flapped his wings on the Sambadrome.
Below, the amazing Paola Oliveira in front of Grande Rio Drums...
Below, the amazing Paola Oliveira in front of Grande Rio Drums...
The Drum Section was another highlight of the parade: they were all in bright orange, dressed up as Rio city janitors. Carnival Queen of Drums, actress Paola Oliveira made a great spectacle also leading vibrant drummers. In rhythm, the drum section made small stops, called “paradinha” in sequence while the drum queen samba danced and walked amongst them. The drum section also played a part of the samba-theme without the singing, which drew attention of the public.
The forth float took a "dream factory" to the parade, celebrating the samba city. Merry makers twirled umbrellas which resembled ferris wheel in green neon. Alongside, Christ the Redeemer statue covered up by a cloth with an inscription "even forbidden I shined" was place on the float. This was another reference to a carnival of Beija-Flor, which had in one of her parades, a “prohibited float”, due to the use of a religious image.
This beautiful parade ended with the "Carnival of the stars", a luxurious silver space ship which foresaw how the Carnaval of the year 3001 would look like in Brazil: This float was a tribute to the Carnival Producer Fernando Pinto. In 1985, he imagined how the Brazilian Carnaval parades would look like. It was a very emotional moment to many… At the centerpiece of the float stood as a high-light Renato Sorriso, a true Rio de Janeiro city janitor who gained fame while sweeping the Sambadrome avenue with samba, grace and a natural smile. Today, Renato a.k.a. “Sorriso”, ( which means smile ), is a notable celebrity in the Carnaval scenario in Rio. The homage was more than welcomed.
brazil 2010 carnival,
brazil carnival 2010,
carnival 2010
quarta-feira, 17 de março de 2010
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